NSW offered Chinese residents free COVID testing and treatment, but refused to lockdown Willoughby and other Chinese centres, or order compulsory testing

by Ganesh Sahathevan Kerry Chant at the United Front's NSW Preparatory Committee to Assist Wuhan in Countering COVID event. Photo and explanatory notes tweeted by Geoff Wade .See link https://twitter.com/geoff_p_wade/status/1341247034590838787 As this writer has noted and tweeted: On or around 29 January 2020 NSW CHO Kerry Chant spoke specifically to the Chinese community.Chinese in Australia who do not qualify for Medicare were offered free testing and treatment. Despite these precautions Chant encouraged everyone to visit ,not avoid, "cosmopolitan" areas. However, despite the concerns, Willoughby and other areas with significant Chinese populations were not locked down, and its residents not subject to mandatory testing. In contrast, residents of the Northern Beaches have been subjected to restrictions and testing after just one or two cases were detected. CHO Kerry Chant's speech to a Chinese audience, where the offer of free testing and treatment was ...