College Of Law Ltd has not disclosed Malaysian affair, reasons and costs incurred -Issue for regulators including NSW LPAB and its new chairman, Chief Justice NSW Andrew Bell, as well as TEQSA

by Ganesh Sahathevan The following are excerpts from the College Of Law Ltd's annual reports. They concern the College's expansion into Malaysia. FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THEFINANCIAL YEAR ENDED30 JUNE 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED30 JUNE 2018 FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED30 JUNE 2019 As reported below, there is much more to the story than the College has disclosed. These are issues that go the College's credibility as a provider of the Australian legal profession's Professional Legal Training (PLT) certification, which is a prerequisite for admission to practise. The New South Wales Legal Professional Admission Board (NSW LPAB) is responsible for determining if the College remain a suitable provider. The College is also subject to supervision by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency. TO BE READ WITH Bar Council education ‘JV’ must be clarified By Editor , in Scandal on July ...