Taxpayers ATO accounts hacked, refunds being diverted to false accounts,ATO says no breach of its systems

by Ganesh Sahathevan

Image result for ato

This writer was recently informed by the Australian Tax Office that a tax return had been filed in his name by "Pro Tax" (despite  never using a tax agent ) and his tax refund posted to a post office box. (despite never registering for  a post office box).
The ATO insists that there has been no breach to its systems but seem to have forgotten that  informed me last year that my ATO account was linked to an email address it assumed was one of my old emails addresses.I informed the ATO that I knew nothing of that  address but despite repeated queries as to how that account came to be linked to my ATO account ,the ATO said nothing.

The above appears to be a case of multiple accounts being breached in a scheme that involves the filing of tax returns so as to have the refunds, no matter how large of small, diverted to the scammers.
The scheme can only succeed if there are a large number of accounts involved, for there will be accounts that require payment,and there will be accounts where the returns will only amount to a few cents or dollars.

These types of schemes are best described as vacuuming nickels that others (cannot) see".
ATO Commissioner Chris Jordan has been queried since last year about the above state of affairs, but has remained silent.



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