1 MDB: Najib and family subject of U.K. National Crime Agency attention ;other recipients of 1 MDB or related money likely subjects of investigation

by Ganesh Sahathevan

The US DOJ "Wolf Of Wall Street" indictment  includes the following paragraphs

4. Contemporaneously with the filing of this complaint, plaintiff (the United States Of America)   is filing related actions seeking the civil forfeiture of the following assets (collectively, the “SUBJECT ASSETS”):

q. THE QENTAS TOWNHOUSE: All right and title to the property located in London, United Kingdom (“U.K.”), SW1W 0JR, owned by Qentas Holdings Limited (the “QENTAS TOWNHOUSE”), including all appurtenances, improvements, and attachments thereon, as well as all leases, rents, and profits derived therefrom. QENTAS TOWNHOUSE includes all right, title, and interest in the leasehold for Parking Space 2 at the QENTAS TOWNHOUSE, as well as all sub-leases, rents, and profits derived therefrom. According to a search of the Land Registry conducted by the U.K. National Crime Agency (“NCA”), title to QENTAS TOWNHOUSE is held in the name of Qentas Holdings Limited, and there are no recorded liens against the property


492. Funds traceable to proceeds of the(1 MDB)  2012 bond sales were used by AZIZ to purchase the QENTAS TOWNHOUSE, Belgravia, London, United Kingdom – together with a leasehold for PARKING SPACE 2. The property was purchased by Qentas Holdings Limited on or about July 12, 2012, for £23,250,000. In accounting records for AZIZ, the amount he paid for the QENTAS TOWNHOUSE is recorded as equivalent to $41,799,886.

AZIZ is of course Malaysian PM Najib Razak's stepson, as a result of marriage to his mother Rosmah Mansor.

Given the propensity for Malaysia's business and political elite to live and invest in the UK, there is no telling who else might be the subject of UK NCA attention. Nevertheless, the assets including a website owned and/or managed by one Peter Kamaruddin, aka RPK, comes to mind, as does a firm of cyber-specialists who claim to have been high-up at the GCHQ.


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