A case for Peter Dutton, Dept of Immigration : Robert Chelliah's admission that information has been withheld in the matter of Sirul Azhar
by Ganesh Sahathevan
is an admission that not all has been revealed to the Minister and Department Of Immigration in the matter of Sirul's application for a protection visa.
As for his claim to some form of professional privilege, suffice to say that a call girl with clients in the legal profession has a batter chance of success in sustaining (no pun intended) that defense.
Australian migration agent Robert Chelliah's statement to The Australian with regards the matter of Villawood detainee Sirul Azhar:
"..I will be forced to reveal the nature of conversations he had with me and that we had with his Malaysian lawyers..":;
repeated in his own words in an email (copied below) to Steven Gan of Malaysiakini and other media :
“Should my professional assistance to Sirul gets politicised than I would have to reveal some aspects of my conversation with Sirul in order to protect my professional integrity, that has withstood the span of 26 years, on the nature of the advice I gave Sirul..”
As for his claim to some form of professional privilege, suffice to say that a call girl with clients in the legal profession has a batter chance of success in sustaining (no pun intended) that defense.
As mentioned before, it is time the chinless one (Peter Dutton) made a public statement about this debacle.
For reference see
Sarawak Report says Villawood detainee coerced into making taped statement while in custody: Dutton, SERCO ,accused of running Villawood like a Thai prisonEND
On Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 2:30 PM, Robert K Chelliah <rkc@austmigration.com.sg> wrote:
Dear StevenI do not these people looped in this email that landed in my inbox originating from someone under hallucination.Please allow me to correct the misconception carried by Malaysiakini on todays (16/02/2016) Malaysiakini “ Now, Migration Consultant threatens to tell on Sirul” . I used no such threatening language. What I said to the Australian reporter was that “Should my professional assistance to Sirul gets politicised than I would have to reveal some aspects of my conversation with Sirul in order to protect my professional integrity, that has withstood the span of 26 years, on the nature of the advice I gave Sirul..”Contrary to what the media and others on the fringe may say I am still governed by the Code of Conduct for the Migration Agents that is prescribed in the Migration Act 1958 and the Migration Regulation 1994. This Code of Conduct comes with the full force of law, requires me to maintain confidentiality of the details of conversation between me and the clients. This I am committed to. Secondly I am committed to act in the best interest of the client while maintaining the integrity of the Migration lawsBased on the above, I did brief the reporter and Mr. Sidhu that my advice to Sirul in was aspects of the Migration laws applicable for the application of Bridging Visa E . This visa enables someone under detention to be released temporarily into the community until the application for the main protection visa is resolved. It required me to be candid and explain to him that notwithstanding his conviction for murder and warrant of arrest that he is under, it would be an uphill task for him to be released into the community unless he satisfies the Minister of his Character under Section 501 of the Migration Act and this process may end up in the higher courts of Australia. This requires him to put in writing under what mitigating circumstances he committed the offence to reduce the gravity of “mia culpa” if the Minister of Immigration has to be persuaded that it is safe for his temporary release into the community.. This of course requires him to go into specific details including the motive for the murder. He was midway doing this when the agendas of others stoped him and his intended application for bridging Visa E stopped on track.I carry no secret that should cause discomfort to others other than to my role to assist Sirul and the Solicitor for the best outcome within the framework of the Australian Migration Act 1958Finally what fringe lunatics hallucinating under nonexistence facts and circumstances may say about my connection to the Malaysian government I state unconditionally that I have non whatsoever . The course of my professional role will continue until it is formally terminated or the case comes to its final conclusion.I would be grateful if you could get this true position published.ROBERT K CHELLIAH
DIRECTORAUSTRALIAN MIGRATION AGENTS PTY LTDMigration Agents Registration No. 9254011 (Registered since 1992)Recruitment Agent Licence No. 2079Australia: 143 Coolibah Drive, Greenwood 6024 - Tel 61(0)8 92464088Aust Mobile Phone: +61- (0) 412173502Malaysia: 7A/08 , PJ8 , Jalan Barat, Petaling Jaya, Selangor ,Mal Mobile: ++60 123482961Singapore: Robert Chelliah & Associates Pte. Ltd.Sing Mobile: ++65 82234805Email: ama@austmigration.com.auPlease check out my Internet TV Channel and download the FREE phone and FREE shopping wizard while you are there.THIS E-MAIL IS CONFIDENTIALInformation contained in this email is intended for the use of the addressee only, is confidential and may be legally privileged. Any dissemination, distribution, copying or use of this communication without prior permission of the sender is strictly prohibited.
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