Tan Sri CB vs MAHB: Its really about a gushing stream disappearing

The Star , 19 Aug 2010 reported Tan Sri Choirboy (CB) saying:

“We have actually reached our target of RM40 spending per pax that we set for the last quarter. We have unearthed a gushing revenue stream that can boost the bottom line and also serve as a buffer to rising fuel prices.”
He said baggage fees and AirAsia Cargo were significant contributors to ancillary income for the group.


I then said:

This writer challenges Tony to find this "gushing stream " in any place where there are laws against misleading and deceptive conduct in the carrying out of a commercial enterprise.

Now however Tan Sri Choirboy faces a problem even in Malaysia. Malaysian Airports Holdings Bhd wants part of that "gushing stream". Choirboy can see that each cent added to "his" "gushing stream" means an additional burden on passengers who are then likely to revolt against all charges.

This could in turn lead to a forced scaling back of charges, causing the "gushing stream" to weaken, possibly to a point where AirAsia cashflows will be adversely affected.



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