Was Godwin Grech pressured to create an email record to contradict his statements of 4 June 2009?

As reported on 4 June 2009 by the ABC :
Treasury official Godwin Grech told a parliamentary hearing the Prime Minister's Office and the Treasurer's Office made representations to him on behalf of a car dealer about the Government's multi-million dollar trust set up to support dealerships.

The trust, known as OzCar, offers finance to car dealerships that have been affected by the global credit crunch.

Mr Grech would not confirm if the calls were about Mr Grant, but said they were straightforward inquiries.

"Both offices became aware of a situation facing a particular car dealer
and they simply wanted - as you would expect a normal ministerial office to do - refer it to the relevant part of the bureaucracy to help the ... car dealer," he said.


As reported by THE AUSTRALIAN on 20 June 2009:

When Senator Abetz asked Mr Grech whether Dr Charlton, whom the government claims Mr Turnbull threatened at Wednesday night's Midwinter Ball, was the source of the key email, the more senior Treasury official, David Martine, replied.

"Mr Grech has indicated that he is unsure about any correspondence from the PM's office and, as I've indicated a number of times, we've conducted thorough searches, including Mr Grech himself, and we have not located any correspondence or emails,"
Mr Martine said.

He said he couldn't find any such documents after the event, and was certain there were no oral communications.

An extensive search by Treasury officials has failed to unearth an email from Mr Rudd's office to Treasury and Mr Grech could tell the inquiry only that it was his "recollection".

The Prime Minister's office last night produced an email from Mr Grech to various senior officials in both Treasury and the Treasurer's office, in which he denied that there was "correspondence" and "communication" between the Prime Minister's office and Treasury on Mr Grant's application.
Mr Grech said in his email to Treasury heads sent yesterday morning that News Limited reporter Steve Lewis contacted him four times on Thursday about the story and he denied any communication with the Prime Minister's office over the matter.

"When Lewis called the fourth time at around 8pm, he again asked about the PMO communication; I again denied it," Mr Grech wrote in the email.



  1. Ganesh,
    The Nat Liberal Party has been trying since before Labor was elected to distribute columns if not oceans lies and now the deceitfulness of the party has gone full circle and reveleaded just how nasty the Nat Libs can and will be. I suffered grave and wrongful imprisonment under them and they were making political party decisions on me OUTSIDE State Cabinet doors which eventually was proven but never made public or addressed. A Liberal party guy removed all my legal docs from State archives and instead of giving them to me, made boxes and boxes of documents that could prove my innocence, disappear. No-one will even help address the issue but what we see in Parliament is a repeat on another level.
    When our Leaders make such unethical decisions we need to rethink issues of trust, fiduciary and voting itself.
    All the best with your reportage. I enjoy the clarity of percpetion in your article.

  2. oops: Apologies for typos.


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