I wish I could believe Raja Nazrin......but cannot.

Regent of Perak, HRH Raja Dr Nazrin has said all groups in society must participate in making decisions that affect their lives; and that institutions of governance must demonstrate norms that are fundamentally efficient, productive and just.

He is being hailed a reformer, a seeker of justice, a defender of the common man & woman's rights etc etc etc.

To this writer at least, HRH 's actions appear to be noblesse oblige - the perceived obligation of those of high rank to be honorable and generous, but while hanging on to their privileges.

2 examples to make the point.

HRH's sister YAM Raja Dato' Seri Eleena Azlan Shah45, is a director and major shareholder of Generasi Setia (M) Sdn Bhd, which is a major shareholder of Gamuda.

Her (and Nazrin's) uncle Y Bhg Dato' Ir Kamarul Zaman bin Mohd Ali, also a director of Gamuda, rose from being Quarry Manager, JKR , to some kind of executive at G.B. Kuari Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of Gamuda, on 1 June 1990.

Gamuda owns most of Litrak, and between them both companies operate toll roads that provide operating margins and cash flow that can rival most gaming companies.
Ordinary people who need to work to earn a living are contributors to this wealth creating machine par excellence.
It was also the EPF savings of this group that was used to finance LITRAK-see

Subsequently, cheap finance and high tolls -a quasi tax - is what has contributed to Gamuda and Litrak's growth in value-and YAM Raja Eleena being ranked amongst the richest in the country.

Then , there is the case of Forthwave Consulting Sdn Bhd, a company headed until recently by another royal, one Zara Davidson-HRH's wife.(see http://www.aseansources.com/en/FCS0015,
AND http://www.malaysia-today.net/blog2006/beritankom.php?itemid=4503)

Top student from Nottingham, a university made famous in Malaysia because her father-in-law, DYMM Sultan Azlan Shah studied there.

In any case, Forthwave appears to be making its name not for its technical expertise but via that fine old tradition of being granted contracts that are then farmed out to foreign companies with the expertise:

In Malaysia, Subsurface Consultants & Associates, LLC (SCA) has two agencies representing our services, Forthwave and PT SEA. Forthwave is a subsidiary of one of the largest IT service providers in Malaysia. They represent SCA for all our consultancy
services in Malaysia and the surrounding SE Asia area. Our arrangement
with Forthwave is now going into its second year. Last year through the
efforts of SCA and Forthwave, SCA won and completed our first
significant deepwater study with Petronas in the Sabah-Sarawak area
Several co-authored papers between SCA and Petronas resulted from this study


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