How God Decreed That YTL Power Have Malaysia Pay So That The Earth Be Saved


a) Said Francis Yeoh, CEO YTL Corporation BHD
"It is sometimes tempting to believe that I deserve some of these awards but the truth is, God writes the script and is the author of my faith and my life and I'm just a humble wiggly willing little pencil in His hand."

b) Said Ruth Yeoh, daughter of the Pencil of God, and director YTL Crporation
"I am only God's messenger and am continuously guided by Him to do the right thing. To protect the Earth, the environment and His creation the best I can.

"...YTL takes this commitment very seriously. We constantly engage in-house engineers, ecologists and management to see how much more we can do to make sure our operations minimise impact on the environment. We try to go well beyond what the laws require of us."

C)Said Ani Arop, former execuctive chairman TNB,
who had the privellege of being on the receiving end of God's Pencil:

When the generous terms were given to the IPPs, all my other peers around the world asked what was happening. They said they would like to have a share in the IPPs. They said (the contracts to IPPs) were “too darn generous.'' (The terms) were grossly one sided....Nobody produces excess electricity like Malaysia and it goes to waste because there are no batteries to store that power.......

How were you affected by the process of awarding the IPP contracts?
I felt sick. It was morally wrong and not fair. ...... I do not want somebody to come and urinate on my grave."

On YTL Power's God given operating margins: see



  1. was so difficult to get the 'other' side news of YTL.

    I knew deep down of the mushy slimy heart of mine....this one corp that made devil look like God...even on YTL


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