
NSW Commissioner of Fines Administration withdraws COVID fines for lack of details, refuses to withdraw COVID hotel quarantine fees (which were in fact a fine) despite ministers Hazzard and Dominello refusing to provide details of the "fee"

 by Ganesh Sahathevan    The NSW Commissioner of Fines Administration in consultation with the NSW Police Commissioner will withdraw all remaining 23,539 Covid-19 penalty notices.   In late 2022 the Commissioner of Fines Administration exercised his statutory power to withdraw around 36,000 penalty notices in relation to four different Covid-19 related offences.  This was on the basis that limited information contained in some penalty notices made it difficult for fine recipients to understand the nature of the offence and did not comply with the specificity requirement of the Fines Act 1996. The remaining 23,539 penalty notices were not withdrawn as part of this decision as they were formulated differently, with a clearer explanation of the offences for which they were issued. This then brings us to the that other COVID fine, the hotel quarantine fine which  former Premier Gladys Berejiklian, her Police Chief Mick Fuller  administered which  was ...

Sydney is not Soweto, its Asian migrants are not coloureds, or persons of colour - South African Australian Judge Angus Morkel Stewart's decision in Faruqi v Hanson an insult to anyone who is not white

 by Ganesh Sahathevan  In the recent Federal Court Australia decision in   Faruqi v Hanson   Mr Justice Angus Morkel Stewart (Stewart J)  found at [242]: I am comfortably satisfied that both groups of people in Australia that I have identified, being persons of colour who are migrants or of relatively recent migrant heritage and persons of colour who are Muslim, are reasonably likely, in all the circumstances, to have been offended (ie profoundly and seriously), insulted, humiliated and intimidated by Senator (Pauline ) Hanson’s tweet. The case concerned   a tweet  that One Nation leader Pauline Hanson directed at  Deputy Greens leader Senator  Mehreen Faruqi. Mehreen is Pakistani Muslim who continues to advocate for Pakistan as a senator of the Senate, Parliament Of Australia.  Senator Hanson wrote in her tweet "piss off back to Pakistan" after Senator Faruqi commented on the death of Queen Elizabeth II. While Stewart J's has hand...

"Not new or worthy of consideration" : WA Corruption & Crime Commissioner confirms but dismisses Anne Azza Aly 's referring queries about PAVE, her work to Malaysia

by Ganesh Sahathevan       John McKechnie The issues raised on my related RealpoltikAsia blog in the posting:  ALP's Anne Aly's Phoenix Consulting of Dubai provides covert intel training-Who does she report to in Dubai, and then there is the matter of Malaysia....... were brought to the attention of The Hon John McKechnie QC,the current Commissioner, WA Corruption and Crime ,given the security implications that arise from the connections between PAVE and one David (Dave) Allen, currently Assistant Director Intelligence,WA CCC. McKechnie's response is as follows: Thank you for the email. I am the Corruption and Crime Commissioner. I will decide if and when Mr Allens security clearance should be reconsidered but nothing in this email is either new or worthy of consideration. The Hon John McKechnie QC Readers have now confirmation from no  less a personage than the WA CCC Commissioner himself, a former judge and QC,of the fact of Aly's Dubai connection, and her ref...

If Damien Tudehope's COVID hotel quarantine fee statements are correct, SLHD revenue reported in financial statements signed by former CEO Teresa Anderson is overstated, and false

 by Ganesh Sahathevan                     Tough talking Damien Tudehope may not have the power to impose th.  bulk of his quarantine fee, if any Readers will recall that former NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller (now a PwC partner) said in his notice that Revenue NSW " will be charging a mandatory quarantine fee". Readers will also recall that the rormer NSW Minister For Financial Services, Damien Tudehope insisted that the quarantine fees charged by Sydney Local Health District, pursuant to the NSW Health Services Act include charges for police security. However, there is nothing  in the SLHD's financial statements for the relevant periods (see links below) to reflect any payment from the COVID quarantine fee revenue being made over to NSW Police. SLHD's revenue must then have been overstated, by the CEO concerned Teresa Anderson.  SLHD Financial Statements

Strata managers' aversion to contact with tenants can leave strata managers exposed to personal liability

 by Ganesh Sahathevan      Advice for living in, or buying into, a strata community Strata managers are employed to manage strata schemes which are often home to renters as well as owners. However, in evasion of that which they are paid to do there are instances where strata managers have attempted  to evade their duties by refusing to  deal with tenants.   Even this writer can recall an instance where the strata manager warned that it was against the law for tenants to contact him directly.  The instances where strata managers have refused to deal with tenants occur when the issues raised concern fairly pedestrian maintenance issues, for example blocked plumbing and the like. Having said that, tenants do actually have a legal right to a great many things, including being informed (and presumably make representations) when strata schemes consider re-development. Strata managers who seek to stand in place of strata committees  are even more e...

The personal cost of power -Strata managers control over strata schemes comes at a not so hidden cost which can extend to their personal assets

 by Ganesh Sahathevan                                                                                                                Anoulack Chanthivong the NSW    Minister for Better Regulation and Fair Trading     The ABC's investigation into strata management industry misdeeds  and the reforms the NSW Government has promised  is also interesting for it reveals how strata managers by  assuming  either directly or indirectly control of the management of the strata schemes they are hired to manage, assume the liabilities that come with that power.  Strata managers may under ordinary circumstances be fiduciaries vis-a-vis strata unit owners and that alo...

Recovering FEE HELP payments made to your private college: The example of The College Of Law ,Sydney .Australia

by Ganesh Sahathevan Many assume that a FEE HELP debt once incurred must be re-paid regardless of how poorly one is taught. However, FEE HELP is simply a debt incurred in paying a fee for services to a provider of education services. Where the services are below expectation, one avenue for fee recovery might be the Department Of Education who pays  the fees on behalf of students ie cutomers. FEE HELP approved course fees,must by definition , be limited to the actual  cost  incurred by the approved education services provider. It was clearly not the intention of the Commonwealth Government to add to the profits of FEE HELP approved institutions,  even if this happens with alarming frequency. The fact that customers are unaware of their rights arising from  their contracts for services has probably much to do with why private colleges especially are able to get away with providing poor teaching and assessment services. To put this another way, FEE HELP is pay...