Bujang Valley Archeological Site -A View From The Sky

Dear Readers The Bujang Valley archelogical site has been in the news recently and by all accounts it seems to be a site of some significance which has yet to be properly surveyed.This is an attempt to publicly survey that site using satellite imagery of the terrain at and around the site. The first picture below is a Google map view of Northern Malaysia onto which a terrain image captured by a Shuttle mission has been superimposed. The second image is a magnification of the latter. The elevation (height) has been exaggerated to enhance features that may otherwise remain hidden. Its colour scheme is arranged such that higher elevations are more brightly coloured, and the plains mostly blue. The Valley is located to the south the peak at the top left corner of the "blue box" in the Google Map image, and in the terrain image below that. The images may be magnified by clicking on them. Penang island is located at the bottom left corner of t...